Improve your quality of life

Do you have pain or a musculoskeletal injury?

At mare we can help you, we are specialists in pain treatment, musculoskeletal lesions and the improvement of your health avoiding unnecessary operations!
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We adapt the treatments and exercises to your unique needs, offering individualized and effective attention.


We provide you with support in every step of the way helping you to overcome the challenges.


We offer a wide range of techniques and exercises to achieve the objective by promoting constant progress.


We adjust to your schedule and preferences, providing you with treatment options that adapt to your lifestyle.


Take the first step towards a healthy life

Do you want to discover what we can do for you?

What do our clients say?


1 year ago
I don't like doing sports, I like Animae. It has nothing to do with a conventional gym. Plus, they make you part of a big family.


1 year ago
What I spend here I save on medicines. In the end it is not a matter of money, it is a matter of will. Thanks to Ánimae I feel like I have no limits, 4 months ago this was unthinkable.


1 year ago
I noticed a great change in my daily life thanks to personalized therapeutic exercise. Now I feel better than ever, I no longer suffer from knee pain.

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